Sunday, 28 December 2008

yoghurt cake

We're in the pre-alpes here, at about 350 m altitude. Not sure if this is enough to make a difference to cooking sponges, or it's the cooker, or the flour, the water, or what ... but I'm still searching for a basic fool-proof cake recipe.

So I'm going to experiment with the cakes made with yoghurt that are a staple part of the chalet-ski offering.

(It's probably the fact that it's bright and sunny, with clear skies, and getting down to - 6 degrees overnight that's made me think of it.

Here's a basic recipe (found on an internet search) and a couple of variations

1 pot natural yogurt (then rinse the pot and use as measure)
3 pots flour
2 pots sugar
1 pot vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 sachet (7g) baking powder
flavouring (ie coffee, choc etc)

Beat together and cook for 30 minutes at 180C.

Here's a variation:

1 pot smooth yog (flavoured if liked) 3 SR flour, 2 sugar, 1 oil, 2 eggs, half tsp BP, 2lb loaf tin, Gas 3, 1 hr. pot size is 125gms. Ice with 6 oz icing sugar. Try it with lemon yogurt ..

1 comment:

Clare said...

Yes - this worked well. It makes about 24 individual cup cakes. I used brown sugar instead of white; and added ginger, nutmeg and all-spice for a seasonal variation. And they freeze. For topping I just dusted very lightly with icing sugar rather than making a proper topping (though a lemon cheese topping would be good!)